I came across some amazing statistics regarding one of the hottest buttons in politics and religion – Abortion.
We, as followers of Christ, will have the tendency to dismiss the following information and focus our attention on the government and lawmakers for legalizing the act of abortion. When in reality, it’s our lack of cross-generational discipleship that is adding to and perhaps fueling this horrific reality.
Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".
© Copyright 1998, The Alan Guttmacher Institute. (www.agi-usa.org)
These statistics suggest that women who are walking into abortion clinics have done so after they have walked out of our Churches. Our own daughters and grand daughters, those that have been exposed to church and Christianity, are accounting for 55.4% of all abortions! Our natural response to this information will be to dismiss the fact that these women are professing to be protestant or evangelical, but we can’t afford to dismiss what seems to be the truth. After reading this information I was forced to ask myself, as a pastor, “WHY, why are our own daughters doing what we so vehemently stand against?” After some serious prayer and honest self assessment of my ministry I have come to face these facts of which may answer the question, “Why?”
1. We are quicker to say NO than why not.
2. We are quicker to judge than to help.
3. When we are vehemently preaching/teaching about the wrongs of premarital sex we don’t consider whether or not there is a women in our pews that may be pregnant.
4. The fear of being persecuted by the church for carrying a baby out of wedlock steers women into a socially acceptable solution.
5. Our lack of compassion for those that feel they need to have an abortion pushes them towards that very act.
6. We are always ready to talk seldom ready to listen.
Whatever the reasons, we are failing to communicate compassion and a willingness to help those that are struggling with responsibility of raising a child. Changing the laws or winning the war on abortion does not change the fact that over 50% of abortions are attributed to our constituency. Let’s wake up and start discipling those in our pews and classrooms. Let’s start encouraging and providing avenues for discipleship in the home. Let’s make a change in our Churches, homes, and families which will create change in our Country.