Challenging thoughts on taking those around you down an avenue of a lifetime of Discipleship and ministry.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Let's Keep Going!
What, did you think I would stop blogging because the fast is over?! No way, we have much more work to do! This past Sunday we saw God move in a very miraculous way. We have received testimonies of physical healings, mental healings, freedom from affliction, freedom from addictions, infilling of the Holy Spirit, and much more. I anticipate that we will hear even more as the year progresses. With all those that God touched, there are more that He desires to touch. Let us not get caught up in what He has done and forget why He did it. Signs and wonders are tools that God uses to bring the people closer to Him. If you have a testimony, proclaim it to all those that will listen.
18As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19Jesus did not let him, but said, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." 20So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. Mark 5:18-20
By testifying, you are allowing another person to hear the good news. The news that Jesus is alive and ministers to the church. Yes, you received a blessing because God wanted to bless you, but you also received it because He wants you to bless others. Email your testimonies to me or write them down so that we can post them on our website to encourage others.
For those that might not of received the answer to their prayer - yet. I encourage you to continue praying. God's timing is perfect. He is never late, seldom early, but always on TIME! Keep praying, keep believing and do not allow the enemy to discourage you from looking to heaven for your answers. Personally, I have prayer requests that I know will not be answered this year, or maybe not even next, but God is faithful and those requests will be answered on God's time table. Even so, the enemy battles my faith with bad reports and moments where things look very bleak. If I keep my eyes on God then my outlook will remain positive. It is when we focus on the circumstance when we begin to waiver in our faith. Keep believing we are still praying for your miracle!
God Bless
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Final Day of Fasting and Prayer
This is the day that we join together to worship our Lord and Savior. Whether you attend New Harvest or will be worshiping in another Sanctuary we will believe together, that God is going to heal and restore. When the time comes for you to seek God for your miracle do not hesitate to move. Do not listen to the doubt or fear brought on by the enemy, but rather listen to the voice of God. I do not know why God chooses to heal some and others have to wait. That is the wisdom of God. He knows what is best and when it is best served. I do know that if you do not approach God with faith and an earnest desire for healing you will not receive anything. Perhaps that is why we fear the prayer of faith. The "what if" looms over us with such intimidation that we would rather suffer than take the so called "risk." What? There is no risk! With God all things are possible and He sincerely desires that you be free from affliction and disease. The only question is when will you receive the healing! Seek the Lord and find your healing in His Word. I already know that He will be there with us today. I have few notes to preach because I believe He will take the service and the Holy Spirit will drive us to the Throne of Grace. Trust in His Word, seek His face, and push past the crowd to touch Him!
God Bless
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Day 21 of 21 Days of Fasting
For the 21st day of our fast, I urge you to attend service tomorrow morning and evening. God is faithful to finish what He started in you. Do not be afraid to proclaim your miracle. There is a spiritual battle that enrages all around us. By your faith and obedience you allow the Lord to produce signs and wonders that will astound those that do not believe. This will give you the express opportunity to share the Gospel and see souls being saved. Then the miracles will continue in their lives causing a wonderful cycle of freedom and love. Let God move through you to reach those that you influence. Expect God to heal, restore, and show signs and wonders. We will be expecting you in service tomorrow. If you are reading this blog and don't attend New Harvest, expect God to move in your congregation. Take faith into your sanctuary and expect some powerful things!
God Bless
Friday, January 23, 2009
Day 20 of 21 Days of Fasting
What a powerful Scripture verse! As we are approaching the end of our fast it is important that we begin and continue to bind the attacks, influences, and afflictions of the enemy. It is equally important that we pray the windows of heaven will be loosed so that signs and wonders will be poured onto our lives. These two steps are critical to receiving the answers to our prayers. Do not forget that as much as you want God to move in your life their is an enemy who's highest priority is to cause pain and destruction in your life. The enemy will not be easily overcome. He will have to be forced by the power of God to release the hold he has on our lives and the lives that we love. Do not think for one moment that fasting without fervent prayer will be effective. It is by prayer and fasting that we will see miracles. Be prayer warriors during the last moments of our fast. Pray without ceasing. Hold on to the promises of God and do not faint in the critical moments of your miracle!
God Bless
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Day 19 of 21 Days of Fasting
I venture to say you were wondering when the author of our devotion was going to make this point! Keep in mind that he placed the topic at the end of book signifying the place where it falls in the order of importance. It is more important that we get our faith and obedience in order rather than tend to only our bodies. For we can be the picture of physical health and be a spiritual wreck. Often times, when one gets his spiritual and mental life together health awareness will naturally follow. We will not discuss whether or not God will heal our our bodies in the midst of us abusing them, but rather what should we do if and when we are healed. Focusing on our mission given to us by the Great Commission, it is easy to recognize that if we are sick and diseased it makes it very difficult to complete our mission. We have a great responsibility to share the Gospel and meet the needs of the hurting. It is what Christ commanded. To follow that command to it's fullest we must tend to our physical bodies. They are the greatest resource given to us! The scriptures say how we are the hands and feet of Christ, the Body of Christ. I don't think Christ would want His body to be sick and inefficient. If you have fasted a food item, chances are it isn't a healthy item! Why not continue the effort and eliminate things from your diet completely. I know, it's hard to stop eating things that taste soooo good! But would we rather be efficient at "storing up for the winter", or be efficient in building the Kingdom of God? This year make a conscious effort to improve your overall health, both physically and spiritually.
God Bless
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Day 18 of 21 Days of Fasting
I highlighted the above scripture because we live in a country where medical science is a multi-billion dollar industry. Where citizens of other countries spend a lifetime of wages to come to the US for medical attention. Our own government uses this technology as a bargaining chip in world politics. We are so focused on what the doctor can do for us that we totally bypass the Healer. I can't count the times someone has asked for prayer only to follow with, "I need to go home and take a pill!" What? We don't even give God a chance to heal our aches and pains! It is amazing to me how we are people of extremes. One person will run to the doctor for every sniffle, sneeze, and ache and another person will wallow in pain and never go to the doctor. Why don't we focus on God and let Him direct us to healing?
Nearly every day since I have moved to Kentucky I have taken some sort of allergy pill. It has become such a habit that I have forgotten to pray for relief. The pill brings me relief, but not the type that the Healer can provide. Do I believe that God wants me to suffer with allergies? No, than why don't I pray that he would relieve this burden from me? Well, like many of us, we just rely on the natural too much! Is my allergy problem too insignificant for God's attention? No, the scriptures say that He is even interested in the number of hairs on my head. So I know that He wants me to be healthy and strong for the ministry. Perhaps if we approach God like little children expecting Him to fix our pains and believing in faith that He can, perhaps He will! Believe it, He wants you and all His children to be Blessed.
God Bless
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Day 17 of 21 Days of Fasting
As we are quickly approaching the end of our fast there are a few things we must remember.
1. God desires to heal you. When He does is entirely up to Him.
2. We must be ready to receive.
3. The enemy brings confusion and tries to keep us from our healing.
There are many reasons why God desires to heal. There are also many reasons why Christians and non-Christians alike don't receive healing. Remember, signs and wonders are an essential tool in evangelizing. If the enemy can confuse and distract us enough to keep us from signs and wonders he has succeeded in crippling the effectiveness of the church. Christ used signs and wonders to draw large crowds where He taught about salvation and restoration. When we preach the Word of God in good physical and spiritual health we can communicate a powerful message. When we talk of healing and half the church is sick and dying our message is seriously weakened! Consider this for the rest of the fast.
Is healing a natural occurrence? No, then why do we look for a healing "formula"?
If healing is supernatural then why do we think we understand it?
If healing carries power and excitement than why do we think the enemy doesn't fight it?
If our faith is weak than why don't we exercise it?
Work on these things, pray on these things then watch your healing and restoration come.
God Bless
Monday, January 19, 2009
Day 16 of 21 Days of Fasting
During a Church service where God wants to start healing and setting free, there always comes the part that action must take place. Why is it so important to obey the altar call when the Holy Spirit is beckoning? It is because the move is a response and sign of faith. To approach an altar is to disregard pride, comfort, and protection and put oneself out there in the unknown. Many people will allow their miracle to pass on by because they worry with thoughts like, "What if I don't get healed?", "What if he makes me throw away my cane?", "What if I really am not hearing God?" All these statements are statements of disbelief! Faith is like money, you either have it or you don't. You can't pretend to have faith, you can't fool God. The author of our devotion mentions the story of when Christ put spit and mud in the eyes of the blind man and commanded him to go wash. Have you ever wondered why? I have many times. I don't know that we will ever really know the answer until we ask Christ Himself in eternity. I do know however that it tested the faith of the blind man. Remember the rich young ruler who wanted to know how to have salvation? Christ told Him to do the one thing that he was unwilling to do! Christ tested the young rulers faith and the man failed miserably. We all know that Christ performed many more miracles than what the scriptures mention, do you not think that there were many accounts of men and women who did not receive healing because of a lack of faith made known through disobedience? What if the blind man wiped the mud from his eyes and said, "What! I am still blind?" Would that be the fault of Christ? Absolutely not, the lack of faith would have caused the disobedience resulting in a unattained miracle. We mere men like to make the simple complex because it makes us feel good about our intelligence. The scriptures however, keeps things very simple.
Pray for your healing.
When the presence of the Lord is near walk into it.
Do what the Holy Spirit says, walk in obedience.
And receive your miracle!
Sounds simple right? That's because it is, but we over analyze, trick ourselves, listen to doubt, and eventually talk ourselves out of what is rightfully ours. Why in today's period in time do some get their healing and others don't? I can't answer that question with complete confidence. I do know that the vast majority that do receive healing approach God without the need to be coaxed or coached. Could it be that those that walked away lacked faith and obedience. Sounds too simple to be true, but then again God uses the simple to confound the wise.
God Bless
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Day 15 of 21 Days of Fasting
As this church wide fast continues, it is being made evident to me that God is working on many people. One of the things that keep coming up is the fact that God is changing the way we view the "world we live in" and the world that "God wants us to live in." Many promises that God has made to Christians are never realized because many Christians can't or won't see the promise come to pass. We have allowed this world to change the way we look at God and His Word. We can believe for others to receive healing. We have faith in God, but we can not take that faith and apply it to our lives.
There is not much that I will say about this day's passage in the devotional. The Holy Spirit is not allowing me to write down the words that I want to speak. I feel it is because He has already spoken and implored, it is now time to move. If you are following this post, decide today that you will obey and walk in faith. For I fear that some may not see their miracle come to pass for disbelief in the power of God.
God Bless, May we receive that blessing!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Day 14 of 21 Days of Fasting
Did the author really have to touch on our finances!?! Praise God he had the boldness to mention tithing. Obedience is not partial. You either obey or you don't. Obedience is not a gray matter. For instance, your boss tells you to clean the bathroom (who likes cleaning the bathroom) you clean everything but the toilet. Will your boss be pleased when he inspects the bathroom? No, everything in that bathroom can be bright and shiny, but if the toilet is filthy we did not complete the task. The scriptures plainly teach that we must be in total obedience to God and in that obedience, we find the blessings He has in store for us.
How is tithing connected to our miracle? Think of it this way -
God sent Jesus to die for us.
Jesus trained 12 men for the purpose of spreading His story.
Jesus established the church with those men.
The church is the Bride of Christ.
The church is funded by the tithes and offerings received.
The church uses it's funds to support the ministry to the lost.
The passion of Christ is the lost.
To withhold the funds necessary to complete the mission of the church goes directly against why Christ established the church.
I tithe for many reasons. Most of them are because of the blessings that one receives from tithing. The main reason I tithe is - because it is commanded. I tithe because I must in order to be in obedience. How does one have the boldness to ask everything of God, but not give everything to Him? God does not ask for all our finances. In fact, He only asks for a small portion. That portion is 10%. A portion of what He gave me is all that He requires back. We pay more to our finance agencies in interest than the Lord requires from us. If you are not tithing, I pray that you will begin. For in obedience comes our blessing.
I will say this in closing.
I tithe to be obedient. Through my obedience my finances are blessed. I dare not tempt the Lord by withholding my tithes, for the Lord takes the ministry of the Church very seriously. The Church is the Holy Bride of Christ. I dare not offend Christ by not taking care of His bride!
May we all walk in obedience.
God Bless!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Day 13 of 21 Days of Fasting
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
There are many powerful verses like this in the Word of God. We as Christians are familiar with them and often quote them during our prayer time. A problem we often face is that we will quote the latter part of the verse and totally forget the former! The verse does not read "Resist the devil and he will flee from you", we must first "submit ourselves, then, to God!" We have no power against the devil on our own strength. We are but mere people without the power of God. With the power of God, we are transformed into victorious beings. In order to have that power, we must submit to the authority of God and allow Him to guide our steps.
What does submit really mean?
sub·mit (sb-m
Wow, to submit means to yield and totally give the authority and will you have over your life to another! In order to resist the devil we must give our lives totally over to God. I believe, as the author of our devotion points out, that we must submit everything to God in order to have complete victory over the devil and his attacks. We can not afford to lose any ground in this spiritual battle and every area of our life that does not belong to God is a place that the devil may roam! Let us commit to God like never before. Let us submit everything at His feet. May we be the victorious creatures that God has created us to be. I urge you to seek God during your prayers and ask Him to reveal to you any areas of your life that He has not been invited. Life is too short and the devil is too cunning to not be totally submissive to God. After all, God wants the best for you. Would it not be an awesome life to one day lay down in perfect health and go to see the Father? May it be that way for all of us!
God Bless
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Day 12 of 21 Days of Fasting
To live in Joy is truly a gift from God. If it is from God, why are so many Christians walking in defeat? I came across an old friend recently. At one point in his life my old friend was quite the happy young man. I remember times when he was full of God's joy and testified to anyone who would listen. Today, he is angry at the world and there are no signs of joy in his life. He mocks Christians and tries to argue with anyone that believes in God. What happened in his life that would turn him from a blessed man into a bitter one? As far as I can tell, he allowed his time with the savior to be replaced with the temporary "joys" of the world. His relationship with Christ became less and less of a priority until finally it wasn't a priority at all. It truly saddens my heart to think of all the time he has wasted chasing the fleeting pleasures of the world when he could still be the man that I remember. Many Christians trade in their joy for fleeting happiness. Our time with our God and Savior is precious and should be of the utmost priority. When we allow ourselves to be distracted with what the world has to offer our source of joy, God, has been forced to take a back seat in our life. When that happens we get caught up in chasing the next bit of happiness the world has to offer and we no longer trust in God for our source of joy. Take time to seek the presence of God and find your joy! You will be glad you did.
God Bless
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Day 11 of 21 Days of Fasting
When I was a teen I could not understand why my parents screened my music selections. Often times I would have to surrender a tape knowing I would not be listening to the songs again. I thought my parents were just being mean and old-fashioned. Today I realize that music is very influential in our lives and we must guard our hearts against music that hinders us from praising God. Music was created by God as a medium for His creation to praise and worship Him. Music is useful for many things, but during this time of prayer and fasting allow it to prepare your heart for His will. Be careful and watchful of the music you let into your life during this time. Nobody doubts the power of music, but we will often defend our music selection even if we know it is not productive. Why? Why do people defend their music while knowing it does not edify, or encourage? The answer is often in the music itself. It is feeding an emotion or need in the persons life. Often it's feeding anger, bitterness, sadness, rebellion, or a multitude of other negative emotions. When the person stops listening or puts the music aside frustration can set in as that negative emotion tries to find another outlet. Instead of dealing with the emotion we bathe ourselves in music that keeps the emotion from rising by feeding that very emotion. If you are engaged in negative music (right now anything non-christian can be negative regarding our fast) set that music aside for the remainder of the fast. This may be difficult, but it may be the very thing that helps you breakthrough to your miracle. Substitute the music with praise and worship. This may be very annoying at first. For some, listening to worship and praise can be annoying because it is fighting the negative emotion within, causing our flesh to battle against our spirits. If you find yourself in this place, continue listening to the praise and worship. Soon it will bring comfort as your spirit rises over the flesh.
I hope and pray that we all continue to strip away more of the world as we put on more of God.
God Bless
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Day 10 of 21 Days of Fasting
Forgiveness, a powerful medicine. Bitterness, poison for the soul and body.
Never mind the fact that many people are suffering with ulcers, cancers, chronic pains, migraines, and other various ailments directly related to their bitterness. Never mind the fact that many of those that suffer from bitterness would rather die a slow death than forgive the person that offended them. The thing you need to focus on today is, do you need to forgive someone? The Lord commands that we forgive those that trespass against us. If I were to demand you to forgive someone, for what they have done to you or your family, my command probably wouldn't carry much weight. But when the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who forgave those that were crucifying Him even in the act of the Crucifixion, demands it, everyone must obey. How can we as sinners expect to be forgiven of the sins that put the Savior on the cross if we withhold forgiveness from those Christ died for. I am not going to question any ones salvation here, but the Word of God plainly says that if we have not love we do not know God. If we do have love than that love would cause a desire to forgive.
Personally, I remember a time in my life when God said to me, "You can not get any closer to me until you forgive." I literally remember God speaking this into my life. I had a choice to follow my calling, or to hold onto the bitterness that was in my heart. Praise God I had the courage to forgive! My personal experience occurred before God allowed me to step out into ministry. The decision I faced that day would determine the rest of my life! I believe that had I chose to withhold forgiveness I would not be in ministry today.
What blessings, miracles, and breakthroughs could, no ARE withholding from your life due to unforgiveness? What a question to ponder. I pray that you would be courageous enough to forgive and obedient to God's Word.
God Bless
Monday, January 12, 2009
Day 9 of 21 Days of Fasting
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29
Faith - what an amazing word! So much of our spiritual growth hangs on the meaning and the application of that word. It is by faith that we receive salvation. It is by faith that we grow in Christ. It is by faith that are awaiting The Blessed Hope. If you haven't figured it out by now let me point it out - Faith is foundational in our Spiritual Growth, Breakthroughs, Blessings, and Miracles.
I have heard many people say, "They don't have enough faith." Who are we to judge how much faith one person has? If I am praying for someone, how am I to know if they have faith? It is not for me to judge. I leave that to God and the Holy Spirit. If someone asks for prayer, I pray. If they ask for healing, I pray for healing. If they ask for a miracle, I pray for a miracle. What are you asking for?
I believe that God can, does, and wants to heal and restore. I believe that God wants to do this for all who ask. I even believe that He wants to do this for you! So as we are fasting and praying build your faith. Remove doubt from your mind. Do not listen the reports of man, but listen to the Word of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide you during this time. As the author pointed out, there is so much more to life than meets the eye. It is up to us to find the faith and strength to explore the spiritual world that God so desires us to be a part of. We are not here on earth to build wealth, we are here for a short time that we may one day live in eternity with God and the Savior. For what good is wealth if we lack faith? Trust in God and He will guide you. Faith - what a word! I know you have it. I know God wants to move. I know your miracle is on it's way.
God Bless
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 8 of 21 Days of Fasting
James 5:16
The author of our devotional "Are You Ready for a Miracle" does a great job applying the second half of this scripture to our goals of miracles, healing, and spiritual growth. There is no need for me to go over his text. However, I would like to shed some light on the first part of this scripture. Because we are a church of only 6 years, it is obvious that all of our congregation, beside those that are newly saved, have come from other churches. That in itself is ok. I understand that we find ourselves in different phases of life and one ministry may serve or meet our needs more effectively than another. And at the same time we may find ourselves called of God to serve in another ministry that needs our assistance. Those things being said, it is important to recognize that sometimes we leave things behind that ought to have been attended to. Things like forgiveness, repentance, and making things right with others. The first part of the verse says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." There is an instruction we must obey before we may be healed! We must confess our sins to one another. What does that mean? If you have sins in your life you must confess them before God, and ask forgiveness from the one we have sinned against. Every sin causes a ripple to force its way into the lives of those around us. Anger causes more pain to those around us in the end. Selfishness withholds love from our friends and family. Lust robs our spouses of the affection due them. See where this scripture is leading? It leads us back to Christ and those that we have offended. How can we pray with fervency to the God that unselfishly gave His son to die for us when we have not made things right with others? If we truly desire the miracles we are praying and fasting for, the need to make things right will overcome the fear of embarrasment or the anger we harbor. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to matters left behind. Confess your sins, ask forgiveness, and be free from the bondages of sin. Then pray with fervency for your hands and heart will be clean before the Lord allowing Him to move in your life.
God Bless
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 7 of 21 Days of Fasting
4You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
The reality of hell and demons is a reality that the western culture does not like to recognize. Today many Christians in the United States have never witnessed demonic manifestations or have even been instructed on how to fight against the spiritual attacks of the enemy. Just because we feel more comfortable in ignoring or turning a blind-eye towards the spiritual battle that we face everyday does not mean that that battle does not exist. In fact ignoring the battle only gives the enemy more ground and time to work with. It is true that in the history of our society people that were oppressed, consistently attacked, or even possessed by demons were set aside in hospitals, asylums, and other medical treatment facilities. There, these people were not set free, but were medicated to keep the problems manageable for the staff. How sad it is that we could not recognize the power that is in the Word of God! Many (not all) sicknesses that we face today are brought on by demonic forces. They try to keep us from doing the will of God and spreading the glorious message of Christ. They distract us from our joy that is in the Lord causing us to focus on ourselves and not on Him. As you fast and pray ask the Lord to reveal to you the spiritual battle that you face. We all face these battles. Sometimes our families are attacked through the generations by the same sickness or dysfunction. These generational curses are real and pointed out in scriptures. With much prayer and wisdom from the Lord we can overcome these demonic attacks. Meditate on the scriptures provided in the devotional and continuously be aware that the enemy is not happy with your dedication to overcome.
Be aware, that as you increase in the Lord the enemy becomes active in your life. Satan does not want you to lead your friends and family to Christ and the power of God. I will be speaking more on this topic during Sunday Evenings service 1-11-09.
God Bless
Friday, January 9, 2009
Day 6 of 21 Days of Fasting
Psalm 107:20
Be attentive to the words that people are speaking into your life. Without intention people can be careless with their words and cause pain and doubt. Surround yourself with Christians that are believing with you for a miracle. Even though non-Christians can be good friends, their understanding of spiritual things is just not inline with the Word of God. If it was, they would be serving the Lord. Non-Christian friends can serve many purposes, but during this time don't rely only on them for words of advice or encouragement. After all, if they do not believe in God how can they believe with you for restoration and healing! Continue to study and meditate on the scriptures and trust that your breakthrough is on its way!
God Bless
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Day 5 of 21 Days of Fasting
By now many that are participating in the 21 day fast are being attacked by the spirit of fear. The fear that perhaps God won't move, heal, or restore. God is not the author of fear in fact, our relationship with Him is based on the complete opposite of fear - Faith. Faith is the initial step we take in our journey in Christ. It is by faith that we are saved. It is by faith that we have the courage to approach the throne of God and make our requests known. It is by faith that we enter a fast expecting the hand of God to move on our lives. Do not allow the spirit of fear to steal your blessing. The Israelites were fearful of the giants in the promise land and that fear caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years. They eventually perished on the journey to what was rightfully theirs never benefiting from their inheritance! The fact is that many Christians will not receive healing because of fear. Fear will keep them from believing that God wants to heal them. Fear will keep people from coming to the altars. Fear will rob and destroy. Fear is of the enemy. Church I encourage you to build your faith during this fast. Remember what God has promised for you. Remember that God does and wants to heal you!
Take these steps to build your faith.
1. Write down the things that God has done for you.
2. Write down the things that God has done for your loved ones.
3. Write down the verses that encourage you.
4. Meditate on the things you wrote, allowing them to encourage you.
4. Write down your requests and pray for them continuously believing God will answer.
5. Pray, pray, pray, and believe that God wants to answer!
Don't allow the spirit of fear to rob you from your blessing. Seek the Lord and have faith in Him.
God Bless
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Day 4 of 21 Days of Fasting
At this point in the book, “Are You Ready for a Miracle,” you have come to a couple of conclusions.
1. The book is directed towards healing.
2. The book is challenging our way of thinking.
Even if you don’t think you need physical healing keep reading the book. We all need spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. No one on earth has led a perfect life and we all have been involved in or caused pain. For this reason we all have shortcomings and hang-ups that cause us to lack faith where it is needed. It is a hard thing to change your self-perception, but God looks at us with love and compassion. So much love that He sent His Son to die for us! If He loves us that much, don’t you think He would want us to be healthy? While fasting, pray that God continues to reveal Himself to you and be obedient to His Word. Let’s pray that we all grow in wisdom, strength of the Word, faith, and our relationship in Christ.
God Bless
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Day 3 of 21 Day Fast
When you pray for healing don't limit your prayers to physical needs only. Broaden your prayers to cover spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. No matter what state of health we find ourselves in, we all need healing. For we all dwell in a world where pain and suffering is the plan that the enemy has for mankind. I trust that as you fast and pray, your faith will grow and that we will see miracles.
God Bless
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 2 of 21 Days of Fasting
First, gather the elements (bread or cracker and grape juice). Grape juice is significant because it is the fruit of the vine.
Second, find a personal time and personal place to take the elements. Before taking the elements reflect on the scriptures the author highlights in his book.
Third, offer up a prayer of thanks and eat the bread/cracker and drink the juice. Then pray that the Lord will give you the strength to live as He desires you to live.
Communion is not hard, in fact it a wonderful time of celebration and complete thankfulness. We celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions with food and fellowship, we should also celebrate the gift of our salvation with Christ daily.
The author mentions, "Transubstantiation". For those that wan to learn more about the word and it's meaning you may click on this link "Transubstantiation Link". I do not know the entirety of this website, but approve of the way they define and explain this particular word. God Bless
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Does God Still Heal Today?
For the next 21 days I will be posting insights that I have taken from the book, "Are You Ready for a Miracle" by James McFadden. The book has been made available at New Harvest. This book will assist in the journey of our 21 day fast. Please read it faithfully and truly open your hearts and minds to the devotions that have been written.
The first devotional describes our God as a healer. He truly is the master healer and He truly desires to heal us of all our infirmities. The author quotes Exodus 15:26 ... for I am the Lord that healeth thee... As you fast and pray, claim this scripture for your life. God desires to heal you physically, mentally, and spiritually. He created a perfect man and He desires that we reach that perfection again. Someday we will receive new bodies that will last an eternity without sickness, but until that time God desires to heal you today! If nothing else, begin to accept the fact that God still heals today. With that knowledge and the time we have set aside for the fast your faith will grow to accept that God still heals today and wants to heal you!
As we fast together pray continuously. Cast aside all doubt and accept the promises of God in your life. God Bless
About Me

- Paul LaRose
- Paul LaRose currently serves as the Discipleship Ministries Director for the Kentucky District of the Assemblies of God. He is also Senior Pastor of New Harvest Assembly of God in Frankfort, Kentucky. His passion for discipleship and Christian education is made evident by the fruits of his ministry labor. Paul has been involved in two successful church plants. He served as the Associate Pastor at Harmony Tabernacle AG in Dallas, Texas planted in 2001 where he developed the Christian Education program from the ground up. He currently pastors New Harvest AG planted in 2002. New Harvest is one of the fastest growing AG church plants in the Kentucky District and provides a strong Discipleship and CE program for all those that attend. Paul has been working with the Kentucky School of Ministry in course development. He wrote the course work for the Youth Leaders Tract and is finishing the Children’s Workers Tract. These courses are being used in many of our Assemblies of God Schools of Ministry.