In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the LORD, but only from the physicians. Then in the forty-first year of his reign Asa died and rested with his fathers. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13
I highlighted the above scripture because we live in a country where medical science is a multi-billion dollar industry. Where citizens of other countries spend a lifetime of wages to come to the US for medical attention. Our own government uses this technology as a bargaining chip in world politics. We are so focused on what the doctor can do for us that we totally bypass the Healer. I can't count the times someone has asked for prayer only to follow with, "I need to go home and take a pill!" What? We don't even give God a chance to heal our aches and pains! It is amazing to me how we are people of extremes. One person will run to the doctor for every sniffle, sneeze, and ache and another person will wallow in pain and never go to the doctor. Why don't we focus on God and let Him direct us to healing?
Nearly every day since I have moved to Kentucky I have taken some sort of allergy pill. It has become such a habit that I have forgotten to pray for relief. The pill brings me relief, but not the type that the Healer can provide. Do I believe that God wants me to suffer with allergies? No, than why don't I pray that he would relieve this burden from me? Well, like many of us, we just rely on the natural too much! Is my allergy problem too insignificant for God's attention? No, the scriptures say that He is even interested in the number of hairs on my head. So I know that He wants me to be healthy and strong for the ministry. Perhaps if we approach God like little children expecting Him to fix our pains and believing in faith that He can, perhaps He will! Believe it, He wants you and all His children to be Blessed.
God Bless
Challenging thoughts on taking those around you down an avenue of a lifetime of Discipleship and ministry.
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About Me

- Paul LaRose
- Paul LaRose currently serves as the Discipleship Ministries Director for the Kentucky District of the Assemblies of God. He is also Senior Pastor of New Harvest Assembly of God in Frankfort, Kentucky. His passion for discipleship and Christian education is made evident by the fruits of his ministry labor. Paul has been involved in two successful church plants. He served as the Associate Pastor at Harmony Tabernacle AG in Dallas, Texas planted in 2001 where he developed the Christian Education program from the ground up. He currently pastors New Harvest AG planted in 2002. New Harvest is one of the fastest growing AG church plants in the Kentucky District and provides a strong Discipleship and CE program for all those that attend. Paul has been working with the Kentucky School of Ministry in course development. He wrote the course work for the Youth Leaders Tract and is finishing the Children’s Workers Tract. These courses are being used in many of our Assemblies of God Schools of Ministry.
So true. We say we want God to help us, to take away the pain, to solve the situation but as soon as we utter the words, we jump ahead and take it back by our very actions.
I'm reminded that God is never earlier but he is never late and we need to release things to his care.
Interesting that you post this as I am currently reading The Maker's Diet by Jordan S. Rubin and he speaks in detail of the multi-billion dollar business we call medicine. Perhaps if we returned to more of God's wisdom and prescritption for our life we would have less issues? Modern Medicine has its place but it certainly is NOT as the cure all.
Pray about "The Makers Diet and Jordan S. Rubin" Ask God to reveal anything that needs to be revealed.
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