You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11
To live in Joy is truly a gift from God. If it is from God, why are so many Christians walking in defeat? I came across an old friend recently. At one point in his life my old friend was quite the happy young man. I remember times when he was full of God's joy and testified to anyone who would listen. Today, he is angry at the world and there are no signs of joy in his life. He mocks Christians and tries to argue with anyone that believes in God. What happened in his life that would turn him from a blessed man into a bitter one? As far as I can tell, he allowed his time with the savior to be replaced with the temporary "joys" of the world. His relationship with Christ became less and less of a priority until finally it wasn't a priority at all. It truly saddens my heart to think of all the time he has wasted chasing the fleeting pleasures of the world when he could still be the man that I remember. Many Christians trade in their joy for fleeting happiness. Our time with our God and Savior is precious and should be of the utmost priority. When we allow ourselves to be distracted with what the world has to offer our source of joy, God, has been forced to take a back seat in our life. When that happens we get caught up in chasing the next bit of happiness the world has to offer and we no longer trust in God for our source of joy. Take time to seek the presence of God and find your joy! You will be glad you did.
God Bless
Challenging thoughts on taking those around you down an avenue of a lifetime of Discipleship and ministry.
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About Me

- Paul LaRose
- Paul LaRose currently serves as the Discipleship Ministries Director for the Kentucky District of the Assemblies of God. He is also Senior Pastor of New Harvest Assembly of God in Frankfort, Kentucky. His passion for discipleship and Christian education is made evident by the fruits of his ministry labor. Paul has been involved in two successful church plants. He served as the Associate Pastor at Harmony Tabernacle AG in Dallas, Texas planted in 2001 where he developed the Christian Education program from the ground up. He currently pastors New Harvest AG planted in 2002. New Harvest is one of the fastest growing AG church plants in the Kentucky District and provides a strong Discipleship and CE program for all those that attend. Paul has been working with the Kentucky School of Ministry in course development. He wrote the course work for the Youth Leaders Tract and is finishing the Children’s Workers Tract. These courses are being used in many of our Assemblies of God Schools of Ministry.
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